故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁239&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁425-428&* 董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年),字玄宰,號思白,華亭(江蘇松江)人。萬曆十六年進士,官至禮部尚書,善書畫,山水筆墨爽朗,瀟灑自具風格。 此幅青綠設色。紅樹青山,白雲靄靄,一片秋光,明媚清麗。畫中點葉用赭色、胭脂、硃砂、汁綠和赭墨交相點畫,筆觸輕盈爽朗,施色鮮麗而不傷雅秀。幅末自題云:「張僧繇沒骨山,余每每倣之,然獨以此卷為愜意,蓋緣神怡務閒時所作耳。」其自許如此。 &* Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, a native of Hua-t’ing (present-day Sungkiang, Kiangsu), was a masterful painter and calligrapher. Style name Hsüan-tsai, sobriquet Ssu-pai, he became a Metropolitan Graduate (chin-shih) in 1588 and eventually served as a minister of Rites. His painting style was bold and original, and the brushwork in his landscapes fresh and refined. This radiantly beautiful autumn scene-red trees, green mountains, and folds of white clouds-is done in mineral green and colors. The leaves are painted with burnt umber, rouge, vermilion, and translucent green interspersed with ochre ink. The brushwork is light and fresh; the coloring, bright yet elegant. The artist’s colophon at the end of the painting reads: “I have copied Chang Seng-yu’s ‘boneless’ mountains many times, but this work, which I did when I was relaxed and at ease, is the only one with which I am satisfied.”